Monday, May 24, 2010


CLICK HERE to access a website with very good information on symbiotic relationships.
You can navigate the page and for information on other topics.
1. Can you see the barnacles on the humpback whale?
2. What type of symbiotic relationship is represented by the whale and the barnacles, why?


  1. 1. Yes i Can
    2. It represents commencalism. the barnacles get a free ride and do nor have to waste energy, and they do not affect the whale at all

  2. I can see the Barnacles.
    Commensalism because the barnacles are getting a free ride and the whale isn't affected at all.

  3. 1. If you mean those tiny brown specks at the top, yes, I can see the barnacles.
    2. The symbiotic relationship shown in the picture is commensalism, because the barnacles get a free ride, and the whale does not waste energy carrying them around (the whale is not affected.)
