Tuesday, May 18, 2010


1. All living things play roles in a food chain. This short cartoon explains just how a food chain works. You'll see why every creature's part is important. Take the quiz when you finish watching the cartoon. How did you do? Also, don't miss the Sea Monsters article available at the website!!!!

2. CLICK HERE to watch an animation about decomposers. Take a quiz at the end of the animation. How did you do?
3.1 What important role do decomposers play in all ecosystems?

4. CLICK HERE to watch an animation about an energy pyramid.
4.1 In a healthy ecosystem there are lots of producers, some herbivores, and not many carnivores. Why is this important?
4.2 Why can't food pyramids hold an unlimited number of trophic levels?


  1. 4.1 In a healthy ecosystem there are lots of producers, some herbivores, and not many carnivores. Why is this important?
    This is important in order to keep a stable ecosystem and to make sure the number of producers, herbivores and carnivores do not rise or lower too much.
    4.2 Why can't food pyramids hold an unlimited number of trophic levels?
    Food pyramids can't hold an unlimited number of throphic levels because, eventually, not enough energy will be left for the top of the pyramid to consume. (because 90% of energy is lost at each level)

  2. 3.1 decomposers break down dead organisms to provide nutrients for the soil, and the cycle continues
